Editor at O&P EDGE said...

Hello Tiffany, I'm a magazine editor of a magazine for prosthetists and orthotists and am working on a story about children and parents who have chosen rotationplasty and wondered if you would be willing to talk about your experience. If so please email me with your contact information to the email address shown for follow up comments.

Emma Jacobs said...

Hi. I'm 12 and I was recently diagnosed with osteosarcoma. I just wanted to know a little about your experience and how long recovery and learning to walk again takes. If you could email me at my primary email that would be great. It's Thanks!

Jas said...

HI Tiffany . Many heartfelt thanks for sharing Bailey's story . Bailey is an inspiration to cancer patients across the world . My son was recently diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in the knee joint and we have been given the choice of Rotationplasty or above the knee amputation . Could you please reach out to me at . I had a few questions for you . Would mean the world for us if you could help us answer them .

Anonymous said...

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