
Ethiopia - #3 (CWAE)

Monday morning we woke up delighted to be with our new son, yet feeling completely exhausted. Ethiopia is eight hours ahead and the time change coupled with Caleb's nighttime feedings was brutal. It was such a short trip and we only began adjusting to the time change on the last day. We had a significant amount of paperwork to sign at the Christian World Adoption Ethiopia (CWAE) office. Following the paperwork, CWAE held a coffee ceremony for us. Many would say that coffee was invented in Ethiopia - and the Ethiopians take this tradition seriously...it is a long process that is a very important part of their culture. The coffee was quite good and Bailey even tried some (although she wasn't a fan). Below are a few pictures of the CWAE office and the coffee ceremony.

The pictures below were taken at our guest house. The first was of our room. We were hoping for a larger suite, but it was booked...so, once we were four, the room was a tight squeeze for the week - and the bathroom was down the hall. There was a courtyard outside that turned out to be a fantastic spot for the kids to burn off some energy - and the weather was so comfortable that we really enjoyed spending time outside. The bottom photo is the view from our balcony (notice the razor wire around the perimeter).

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